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November 13, 2008


Matt B.

if I have been told I am on a medical hold and I am not allowed to leave, I have been cleared of all medical problems and my health is good..... If I then try to sign out AMA due to there being a further pending Psychiatric evaluation despite efforts and appointments already set up by my self by Physicians that are qualified, can I then be put on an official medical "PINK Slip"

Matt B.

Following up further, I have already been evaluated by the Psychiatric Team and they still deem it necessary to hold me longer w/ out any projection of release time. Again I have been given a clean bill of health by general practioners and the "Psych." team have commented that my health is very good. I am in Columbus, OH

Matt B.

I have cooperated fully and totally to this point. I have followed all reccomendations made by all practioners to this point. I was advised that I can be placed under forced medical hold despite this current dx., due to not being officially held as of yet. I have scheduled follow up appointments w/ my own practioners that know my history and my personality. My attending nurse for 3 consecutive has agreed that further time spent is now counterproductive. Can anyone plz. advise me if I have any grounds to sign out simply to pursue my own care plan that does have appointment dates and times made w/ in an 8 hour time period for the following 2 days.

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